Is Annual Furnace Maintenance Necessary?

Ensure peak furnace performance with yearly maintenance.

Most furnace owners know that an annual furnace checkup is recommended, but very few homeowners actually schedule this important service, especially if their furnace seems to be running without issue. However, HVAC professionals recommend annual maintenance for the same reason you get an annual health check-up or have your car serviced – as a preventive measure to help avoid… Continue reading Is Annual Furnace Maintenance Necessary?

Categorized as Heating

Gas Insert, Fireplace, or Logs – What’s the Difference?

Explore the distinctions between gas inserts, fireplaces, and logs.

There’s nothing better than a roaring fire on a cold, blistery night. Unless it’s a roaring fire that needs no tending, requires minimal cleanup, and heats more than the room it’s in. That’s why more and more homeowners are choosing gas over wood-burning fireplaces. Plus, modern versions burn much more realistically, with glowing red embers… Continue reading Gas Insert, Fireplace, or Logs – What’s the Difference?

A Duct-Free Way to Heat and Cool Your Home

Experience comfort without the hassle of ducts.

A ductless mini-split system offers a convenient alternative to central heating and cooling. Perhaps you need to heat and cool a room addition, finished attic, or converted garage but expanding your existing HVAC system is cost-prohibitive or simply not possible due to your home’s design. A ductless mini-split system may be a more affordable and… Continue reading A Duct-Free Way to Heat and Cool Your Home

When Is the Best Time to Replace My AC?

Discover the ideal season to upgrade your air conditioning system.

One of the questions we frequently get asked is “When is the best time to replace my AC system?”. And while we wish we had a crystal ball to predict the best and most convenient time so you can plan accordingly, the honest answer is “It depends”. Read on to learn more about AC system… Continue reading When Is the Best Time to Replace My AC?

How Pure Is Your Indoor Air?

Explore the importance of indoor air quality testing.

No matter how diligently or how often you clean every room in your home, you can still be living with dirty indoor air. Everyday contaminants like pet dander, cooking smoke, excess humidity, and even household cleaning products can negatively impact the air you breathe, exacerbating allergy and asthma symptoms, or causing illness. Read on to… Continue reading How Pure Is Your Indoor Air?

Do I Need AC Evaporator Coil Replacement?

Learn when to replace your AC evaporator coil for efficient cooling.

If you’re reading this in the comfort of your perfectly cool, comfortable home, you have your AC systems evaporator coil to thank. It’s the component in your AC system that absorbs heat from inside your home and works hand-in-hand with the condenser coil to complete the process that produces cool air. And when it’s not… Continue reading Do I Need AC Evaporator Coil Replacement?

Reasons to Go Ductless for Heating & Cooling

Opt for ductless systems for efficient heating and cooling.

Ductless air systems originated in Japan in 1959 to address problems that central heating & cooling air could not – those created by tightly packed homes with thin walls and loud, bulky duct work. In short, central air proved not to be a “one size fits all” solution. Then along came Mitsubishi with its still industry-leading Mr.… Continue reading Reasons to Go Ductless for Heating & Cooling

Water Heater Warning Signs

Watch for warning signs like leaks or rust.

There are warning signs for most things in life. Let’s say you’re driving along in your car and the “check engine” light comes on. That’s your car’s not-so-subtle way of telling you something requires your attention. Yet, not all warning signs are that cut and dry. Take your water heater, for example. Sure, a sudden… Continue reading Water Heater Warning Signs

Ceiling Fans Help Reduce Your Energy Costs

Install ceiling fans to lower energy bills effectively.

Not matter what the season, having one or more ceiling fans working for you can help reduce your heating and cooling costs, provided you buy two-way fans – the kind that rotate both clockwise and counter-clockwise. During the cold weather months, clockwise is the way to go, thus allowing your fan to push warm air… Continue reading Ceiling Fans Help Reduce Your Energy Costs

Best Houseplants for Cleaner Indoor Air

Enhance your home's air quality with these effective houseplants.

You have a fundamental right to clean air. But is that your daily at-home reality? For most, the answer is “no,” which helps explain why indoor air is up to five times more polluted than outdoor air. While there are numerous ways to make changes for the better, one that’s particularly effective is outfitting your… Continue reading Best Houseplants for Cleaner Indoor Air