Category: Heating
6 Space Heater Mistakes That Put Your Home at Risk
Space heaters are a convenient way to stay warm during the colder months, but are they safe to use? Each year, space heaters are responsible for thousands of fires, injuries, and deaths in the United States. But the units themselves aren’t solely to blame: User error can play a major role. The good news is,… Continue reading 6 Space Heater Mistakes That Put Your Home at Risk
8 Must-Do Projects to Get Your Home Ready for Fall
They say all good things must come to an end. Warm, sunny summer days are no different. As summer fades and cooler weather approaches, it’s time to prepare for shorter days, crisp, cool nights, and all that the change of season has to offer. It’s also a great time to take some proactive stapes to… Continue reading 8 Must-Do Projects to Get Your Home Ready for Fall
The Importance of Late Season Heating System Inspections
As the chill of winter persists, it’s easy to overlook the maintenance of your heating system. After all, it’s been running smoothly for months, keeping you warm and comfortable…might as well wait until the fall, right? Wrong – skipping a heating system inspection can lead to a host of problems that may leave you in… Continue reading The Importance of Late Season Heating System Inspections
Furnace Noises and What They Mean
Most mechanical devices make some noise when operating. Think about the low hum of your refrigerator, the clicking sound as you fire up your gas stove, or the wooshing sound of your dishwasher in action. Your furnace is no different. It is designed to communicate with you when it cycles on and off, so you… Continue reading Furnace Noises and What They Mean
Signs Your Heating System Needs Attention
Now that fall is in full swing, many homeowners struggle with whether to turn on the heat or hold out a little while longer. Regardless of which camp you fall into, one thing is certain – you have to turn it on eventually. And when you do, you want it to work. But we all… Continue reading Signs Your Heating System Needs Attention
Is Annual Furnace Maintenance Necessary?
Most furnace owners know that an annual furnace checkup is recommended, but very few homeowners actually schedule this important service, especially if their furnace seems to be running without issue. However, HVAC professionals recommend annual maintenance for the same reason you get an annual health check-up or have your car serviced – as a preventive measure to help avoid… Continue reading Is Annual Furnace Maintenance Necessary?