Efficient AC unit replacement process.
Discover the ideal season to upgrade your air conditioning system.

One of the questions we frequently get asked is “When is the best time to replace my AC system?”. And while we wish we had a crystal ball to predict the best and most convenient time so you can plan accordingly, the honest answer is “It depends”.

Read on to learn more about AC system lifespan and how to decide the right time to invest in a new system.

AC System Life Expectancy

Air conditioning systems typically last 10-15 years with proper maintenance. If your AC is at or past its life expectancy, or if it breaks down, you’re better off replacing it rather than repairing. Even if a 12 year old system is still chugging along, it will inevitably need to be replaced sooner or later. Since new equipment and installation costs go up over time, it may make more financial sense to replace it now rather than try to squeeze another year out of it.

But what should you do if your AC system is nearing the end of its expected lifespan and working fine (albeit the occasional repair issue)? Do you keep repairing it or are you better off replacing it? Use this helpful calculation: Multiply the estimated cost of the repair by the age of the system – if the amount exceeds 4,000, it’s probably best to invest in a new system.

Wait Until Spring

One wise option is to get a new system during spring as this is usually a slower time for the HVAC industry.  With milder temps, most people have turned off their heating but haven’t yet turned on their AC. And since the weather is generally mild, you can have your replacement done without the discomfort of an overheated house.

As we head into the summer months, HVAC professionals become busier and it sometimes becomes

more difficult to schedule installation when it’s convenient for you. Plus, it’s when everyone uses their

AC the most and when an old air conditioner is most likely to die. And then you’re left with a hot, humid home and an emergency replacement.

End of Summer

Alternatively, you may want to have your AC replaced during the last few weeks of summer or

the first few weeks of autumn. What makes this time of year a good time to replace your AC system?

Your preferred HVAC company will probably be less busy than they were earlier in the summer

as emergency AC calls typically become less common, and demand for new cooling equipment has decreased.

Plus, you won’t have to worry about next year’s price increases.

Is your AC system on its last leg? Then why not time the purchase of your new system when it’s most convenient for you? By getting your AC replaced a couple of months before or after the peak of cooling season, you’ll be all set for next year. Zach Heating & Cooling can help you get a replacement system that’s quieter, more comfortable, and more energy-efficient. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule a home comfort analysis and new system proposal.